coming soon
If you would like to start building your own home apothecary, but don’t have the time or energy to make remedies yourself, you can visit ramblingtart Apothecary to purchase my hand-crafted tinctures, cordials, balms, pastilles, syrups, poultices, and dried herb and spice mixtures.

apothecary stock
Each remedy will be made using either my own home-grown herbs, flowers, plants, and foods, or those procured from trusted sources, and is crafted to gently and safely support your health and well-being. There will be three categories available:
Completed preparations
Pre-made mixes with recipe
Individual ingredients

completed preparations
Perfect for the time-poor herb lover.
Open the container and you’re ready to go!

pre-made mixes with recipe
Ideal for those who want to be part of the creating process.
Mixes with beautiful recipes

individual Ingredients
Just right for anyone who loves to get their hands dirty and do it all.
Start from scratch and make your own healing remedies.