Amsterdam is one of my favorite cities in the world. Not simply because I have beloved family and friends there, but also because of its fascinating history and inimitable walkable-ness.

I love this city any time of year, but there’s something about late Autumn and early winter that tugs at my heart strings.

I love getting bundled up in woolens and a pashmina, mittens and suede knee boots, and walking wherever I please.

As many times as I’ve walked these streets, I never tire of them. There is always something new to see: luscious flowers at the market, peckish swans, and the ever present old bicycles.

Amsterdam walks

I like the old vines climbing up brick walls, imagining how lush and green they’ll be in the Spring.

It makes me smile to see the names of boats and wonder who the person was that inspired the owner to name a boat after them.

a boat named Marie


I catch my breathe a little when the sun breaks through the clouds, suffusing buildings with golden warmth and light.

Red shutters never fail to make me happy. One day I will have red shutters too.

canal houses in Amsterdam

When the sun disappears again and icy winds whip off the canal, it’s time for me to go home.

I walk quickly, looking forward to cozying up on the couch to watch movies with my siblings, drinking cup after cup of my favorite Dutch coffee: koffie verkeerd.

This is the Dutch version of café au lait, and translates as “wrong coffee” since it has more milk than is considered right.

Originally it was not served with foamed milk, but nowadays, thankfully, it is. I love good, thick foam that always leaves a mustache if you drink it and needs to be spooned up.

koffie verkeerd

What is your favorite hot drink?

Koffie Verkeerd
Serves Two


1 cup strong black coffee
1 cup milk
sugar to taste
1/2 cup milk for foaming


  1. Brew coffee according to your strength preference. I like it strong and made in a French press or Italian coffee pot.
  2. While coffee is brewing, heat milk in saucepan over medium heat. Watch it carefully so it doesn’t scald!
  3. Pour coffee into cups, add hot milk, stirring well. Add sugar if desired.
  4. Top with foamed milk.
  5. Serve immediately.