โ€œI am one of the searchersโ€ฆ
We like to walk along the beach,
we are drawn by the ocean,
taken by its power,
its unceasing motion,
its mystery and unspeakable beauty.โ€
James Kavanaugh

Is there anything more compelling than a path that leads to somewhere wondrous? The forest, the mountains, the beach?

path to the beachOver the holidays Bear and I were able to take a mini-vacation to our beloved ocean and how we basked in it! We stayed with Bearโ€™s lovely sister and brother-in-law in Burleigh Heads, Queensland and had the most wonderful time.

Burleigh Heads lifeguard stationWe strolled along The Esplanade in the cooler morning hours, sharing stories and laughter, stopping often to sigh happily at the views or find a shady spot to watch people and birds.

ibis at Burleigh HeadsThe beach at Burleigh Heads is a wonderful place, a combination of wooded shoreline, vine-covered dunes, and vast expanses of soft white sand.

Even though it was Summer Holidays, it never felt crowded or busy. There were always open benches for sitting and oodles of room on the beach for leisurely strolls or snoozes in the sunshine.

Burleigh Heads dunesI explored the beach itself, marveling at the powdery sand, the water that felt so brisk after the scorching heat, the sun-dappled woods that gave glimpses of the sea through gnarled branches.

We spent hours on the balcony, sipping cuppas and eating fresh fruit as we watched the surf crash against the sand, luxuriating in the salty breezes that lulled us into afternoon naps.

girl at the beachI loved how the water changed colors throughout the day. First thing in the morning it was like burnished silver until the sun rose, turning it into a rainbow of blues and turquoises. Later, as clouds scudded overhead, the blue was replaced by deep grays, soft and fierce at the same time.

Burleigh Heads beachNext time I want to bring a blanket down to this very spot, a hideaway among the trees.

beach through the treesWhat sort of place would your ideal pathway lead to? xo