It’s been a beautifully restful weekend, quiet and cozy with rain falling gently. We’ve cocooned ourselves in as the unseasonable warmth of our Autumn has given way to cold harbingers of the Winter to come. We’ve unpacked flannel shirts and cozy slippers, sweaters and woolly socks, spoiling ourselves with homemade cocoa and hot coffees and all sorts of homemade bread.

Bear and I have been steadily working on writing, photographing, and developing recipes for a medieval cookbook. Over the past week we have tackled the bread section, photographing homemade flat breads, flour-dusted rustic loaves, and sturdy trenchers, like the one below, that would’ve been used to hold stew, soup, and any other type of meal.

medieval trencher

The overcast, rainy days have been ideal for such endeavors, and the bread has been scrumptious accompaniment to big pots of ham black bean soup, creamy carrot dill soup, and shaved stacks of double-smoked ham.

This weekend was more than just a time for resting and baking, it was also time for restoration. Time to step away from projects and to-do lists and spend hours tucked up in bed reading or cozied in under blankets to watch movies. It’s amazing to me how well our bodies respond to a holiday, no matter how short or simple.

granny smith apple blossoms

On restorative weekends like this, I make food that serves well as leftovers, giving me the opportunity to truly relax without worrying about cooking or menu planning. Quiche is one of my go-to choices both for its simplicity and adaptability. As long as you’ve got eggs and milk, any number of ingredients can be added to make something delicious and hearty. This week I chose ham and tomato quiche with lots of sharp cheddar cheese. Our butcher makes a rather marvelous smoked shaved ham and my garden provided a bowl full of sweet cherry tomatoes in bright yellow and shiny red. Equally good served hot or cold, quiche is an excellent thing to have on hand when cooking is the last thing you want to do.

ham and tomato quiche

What is your favorite go-to meal for restful weekends at home? xo