Storm clouds rolled in last night, dark and marvelous, and as we slept they broke open to give our farm a good drink. By this morning the rain was gone, but the clouds and wild winds remained. It was just the sort of day to linger long over breakfast with dear friends, so Bear and I got in the car and did just that.

After working so hard on our farm last week, it was sheer bliss to sit in comfy chairs and visit for a couple of hours as we ate Hungarian pancakes topped with Camembert and blueberries, some with whipped cream and stewed apples, and “just one more” with salted butter and real maple syrup.

We talked about travel and good food, goats and books, photography, gardening, and the crazy stories that have happened in our lives since we saw each other last. It was lovely. Being with them reminded me of this quote:

“Oh, the comfort – the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person –
having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words,
but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together;
certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them,
keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.”
Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

Life can often be lonely, can’t it? Weeks (months!) can go by with connections no deeper than a cheery hello as you pass someone on the street or meet in line at the post office. It’s especially hard when poor health, paltry finances, or just plain fear crowd in to make interactions difficult to plan or maintain. Hard things pile up making us feel that no one would like us if we told them how we were REALLY doing, and before long it becomes too scary and daunting to even think about reaching out again.

But it’s days like this that remind me friendship is worth trying for. Always. And that it’s OK to feel scared and insecure and worry about being rejected or unwanted. Try anyway. Reach out anyway. Among the “I’m too busy’s” and “Don’t have time for that’s” we’ll find, “I’d love to!!” “My house is a wreck but YES, please come over!” and “This has been the most horrible day, but you calling made it so much better.”

bougainvillea in the rain


That’s my goal this year, to be brave in friendship. To take a deep breath and make that phone call, press send on that email, and say yes to coffee, a hike, or last minute pancakes on a stormy day.
