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recipes, adventures & herbal inspiration

by Krista | Jan 2, 2025 | Summer
“When you reach your edge, soften. Soften until you slip through the constraints and can create a new rhythm, a new route, a new release. Water is soft yet powerful. Reach your edge, and soften." Victoria Erickson I read Victoria's words over a year ago and they clung...
A Gentle Rebuilding
by Krista | Jun 4, 2024 | Winter
“I hope you believe that you can still make a beautiful life for yourself even if you lost many years of it to grief, or darkness, or a wound that wouldn't close.” Bianca Sparacino Many things are wondrous to me: love in a cruel world, plants that come back to life...
When Everything is Broken
by Krista | May 19, 2024 | Autumn
"I have been avoiding all society, skulking away at home in a kind of shame. I am staying away from others because...I'm afraid, and I don't have the grace to conceal it." Katherine May, "Wintering" When Bear died, I had no idea how long it would take to be part of...
Until You’re You Again
by Krista | Dec 3, 2023 | Summer
“Keep taking time for yourself until you're you again.” Lalah Delia For a long time after my Bear died last year, I didn't think I'd ever be me again. The day he died, I went into shock. The following days, weeks, and months are a blur to me now, a hazy memory of...
Glimmer Gathering
by Krista | Mar 13, 2023 | Autumn
Shortly after Bear died I found an article that said the opposite of a trigger is a glimmer. Whereas triggers set in motion trauma responses such as fear, pain, anxiety, and panic, glimmers prompt feelings of wonder, connectedness, peace, and joy. The article went on...
by Krista | Feb 17, 2023 | Summer
I haven't been here for a long time. My beloved Bear died suddenly in October after a brief and brutal battle with cancer. My world collapsed that day, and I needed to pull my borders in close and care for my grief-stricken self. I read once that grief cannot be...
Back from the Brink
by Krista | Jun 23, 2022 | Winter
I love the quiet darkness of winter mornings before the rising sun turns the frosted fields into shimmering gold laced with mist. I wrap cold fingers around my coffee mug and close my eyes, listening to the steady ticking of the cuckoo clock, the rhythmic thumping of...
I Belong To Me
by Krista | May 6, 2022 | Autumn
I spent the first 36 years of my life in a culture that regarded females as belonging to someone else from cradle to grave. From the time a girl was born, she belonged to her father. He decided what she wore, how she behaved, and who she spent time with. He dictated...
Dear Old Autumn
by Krista | May 1, 2022 | Autumn
"Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons." J. Bishop The sun is down and the temperature is dropping quickly so I've tucked a blanket around my legs to keep me warm as I write. It's quiet on the farm tonight. The rain has stopped, the wind...
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