I’m so glad you’re here! My name is Krista, and I’m an artist, author, photographer and grower of deliciousness on my Australian farm. I’m also a grateful survivor-thriver who believes in the power of stories, nature, and creativity to heal the darkest experiences of our lives.

My great love is making beautiful things with herbs, from nourishing remedies and fragrant teas to luscious home-brews and divine sausages, cheeses, breads, and preserves. I share those recipes and ideas through my books, teach them in workshops, and send them to you straight from my tiny kitchen via my Etsy shoppe.

I love working with folks to build a home apothecary, stock a pantry, or just have fun making delicious and nourishing things.


Glimmer Gathering

Glimmer Gathering

Shortly after Bear died I found an article that said the opposite of a trigger is a glimmer. Whereas triggers set in motion trauma responses such as fear, pain, anxiety, and panic, glimmers prompt feelings of wonder, connectedness, peace, and joy. The article went on...

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I haven't been here for a long time. My beloved Bear died suddenly in October after a brief and brutal battle with cancer. My world collapsed that day, and I needed to pull my borders in close and care for my grief-stricken self. I read once that grief cannot be...

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Back from the Brink

Back from the Brink

I love the quiet darkness of winter mornings before the rising sun turns the frosted fields into shimmering gold laced with mist. I wrap cold fingers around my coffee mug and close my eyes, listening to the steady ticking of the cuckoo clock, the rhythmic thumping of...

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