A Pot of Tea in Covent Garden

A Pot of Tea in Covent Garden

It was a wonderfully stormy sort of day in England when my friend Katy and I boarded a train and headed to London.

To say I was excited would be putting it mildly. Not only was I getting to ride a train in England – the land of my favorite authors, books, and landscapes – but I was going to visit places I’d only read about – Covent Garden, King’s Cross Station, and the Victoria and Albert Museum.

I couldn’t believe it.

Covent Garden

To make a good day even better, I was going to meet some dear folks for lunch including my brother Ryan (who was in town on business) and Cailin, a dear online friend Katy and I had never met in person.

It was a great day, and we were fairly giddy with anticipation.

We emerged at Covent Garden to find drizzly skies and the beaming smiles of Cailin and her husband. Isn’t it a lovely thing when people you meet online turn out to be even better in person? We got along marvelously and jabbered happily about food and travel and work and dreams.

A White Picket Fence

There was a food market of some kind going on and we wandered among the stalls oohing and aahing over various foods from all sorts of countries and cultures. Before long we were craving hot drinks and a place to sit, and found the perfect visiting spot just around the corner complete with heaters and umbrellas. I ordered a pot of Earl Grey Tea and settled in for a good, long chat.

Tea at Covent GardenSoon we were joined by my brother, so we halted our convivial jabbering for a few minutes to order something warming. I chose a savory Quiche Lorraine that warded off the chill beautifully.

Lunch in Covent Garden

All too soon it was time to say good-bye. We hugged each other tight with promises of emails and visits in the near future, then headed off to explore the streets of London.

how to say good bye

What city would you love to meet an old friend in?

Morning Coffee in Australia

Morning Coffee in Australia

Good morning! It’s a beautifully sunny day in Queensland, Australia as I sip my coffee and write to you dear folks.

Morning coffee

Slowly but surely I’m getting settled in here, and I’m so happy, my heart and body at rest.

How I love going to bed at night with the sound of wind in the gum trees lulling me to sleep.

gum trees at sunset

Then waking to the contented clucking of my chickens as they scavenge for tasty bugs in the new piles of weeds pulled from my garden.

Australian chickens

I’ve been learning all sorts of new things on the farm where I’m living, and am feeling very homesteader-ish.

I’ve drenched and inoculated my beautiful red goats – William, L’Abri, Felix and Sophie, gathered eggs and learned how to sort them for eating and hatching, and balanced precariously on a bright orange stool as I used special pliers to put together a fence for the goat yard. I even successfully spotted and avoided my first snake – a 5 foot fellow slithering through the grass that my Aussie friends informed me “wasn’t that big.” πŸ™‚

I love it here.

Love looking out over flower-filled fields as I wash dishes, learning how to cook with goat and kangaroo and blue pumpkins, and sitting out on the back porch watching Mockingbirds and Rosellas flit from branch to branch.

I even love hanging my clothes out on the line to dry in the fresh air, stepping carefully around swathes of wildflowers and saying hello to the horses moseying past.

Australian laundry line

It’s so good to be home. πŸ™‚

What are your favorite things about where you live?

Australia: Home At Last

Australia: Home At Last

Australia back yard

Hello dear ones! After 33+ hours of travel I am home at last in my beloved Queensland, Australia. πŸ™‚

I can’t tell you how good it is to be home. To wake up knowing I get to stay here, that I don’t have to catch a train, bus or airplane, that I can stay in my pajamas all day if I want to. πŸ™‚

I am dead tired but so happy.

This week I’ll be moving in – doing laundry, stocking my kitchen, painting my rooms, setting up my office. It’ll be heaps of work but I’m so excited to get started, to carve out my own little niche in this world. πŸ™‚

Australian farm

On the way home from the airport my friend took me to our favorite second hand shopping spot. I found the first few additions to my new life here: three gorgeous colored glass bottles that will be just perfect for storing flavored oils and vinegars, and an old copy of a Louisa May Alcott book to start my new library. πŸ™‚

I may not be blogging much until I get settled in, but I will try to post pictures everyday on Facebook, so you can follow my little adventures there if I’m not here. πŸ™‚

It’s wonderfully stormy and blustery here today, so I’m off to brew a cup of tea before I start hanging clothes in my wardrobe.

How are YOU doing? Do you have any advice for making a new place home? πŸ™‚

Much love to you, dear ones. Β xo

Across the Cafe Table #5: What’s Your Favorite Museum?

Across the Cafe Table #5: What’s Your Favorite Museum?

When Margo at The Travel Belles asked us to share about our favorite museum for this month’s Across the Cafe Table, I was stymied! I love museums, from the quirky to the sublime, but I wracked my brain to think of my absolute favorite.

I thought of the Museum of Bread Culture in Ulm, Germany – a place that sounded as dull as can be at first glance, but turned out to be a 5-story trip through history chock full of interesting displays and fascinating tidbits of how bread was used to win wars, control entire populations, and bring life to those on the brink of death.

man eating bread

I considered the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles, a fantastic place filled with the most beautiful vistas of animals in their natural habitats, and the Museum Willet-Holthuysen in Amsterdam. How I love this wonderful old canal house with its charming gardens and cozy old kitchen.

Museum Willet-Holthuysen

But at last I settled on the Dutch Resistance Museum in the Netherlands.

Amsterdam has a wealth of museums, including the famous Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh Museum, but this one is my favorite.

It is the sort of place you want to linger in, reading story after story of the heroic and selfless actions of Dutch civilians during the Nazi Occupation of World War II.

I read incredulously of the ingenuity of the Resistance workers as they devised brilliant ways of smuggling ration cards, food, and forged papers to those in need. I cried as I read the heart-rending stories of those who suffered terribly or lost their lives in their efforts to rescue Jews and others hunted by the Nazis.

The museum has an extensive and fascinating collection of items from WWII, including original clothing, documents, and furniture that give the stories even greater impact. I loved reading snippets from old letters and diaries and learning about the man who cooked the books of the Dutch government in order to finance the Resistance movement right under the noses of the Gestapo. I was transfixed by hundreds of photos and hearing the voices of survivors telling their stories.

Mostly I was inspired and challenged to look at my time in history and find ways to protect and care for those in need.

For more information on the Dutch Resistance Museum click here.

Note: call ahead for exact ticket cost since changes are not always reflected on website.

For more information about beloved museums around the world, click here.

What is your favorite museum?

Good-bye Amsterdam, Hello London!

Good-bye Amsterdam, Hello London!

Good morning, luvs! Yesterday I bid farewell to my beloved – but oh so stormy –Β  Amsterdam and flew to London.

Amsterdam skyline

My parting was bittersweet knowing I’m leaving behind family and friends who mean a great deal to me. But I’m so excited about this next phase of my life, starting with a few days spent in England with people I love.

I arrived in a London I didn’t expect to see: a sunny and warm one, with light dancing across the Thames and setting Big Ben aglow. It’s my first time in England and it’s truly a dream come true. I confess I am head over heels in love with this place. If I wasn’t so happy to be moving to Australia, I’d move to England in a heartbeat.

London double decker bus

My dear English friend Katy from Starry-Eyed Travels is my guide and compatriot in this adventure, and we’re having a marvelous time. I can’t wait to share photos and stories from our rambles. πŸ™‚

My favorite moment of our trip so far is from last night. We were sitting in a coffee shop in Soho, chatting and writing in our journals as we sipped hot drinks, and suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and who should it be but my BROTHER!! He is in town on business and just happened to be across the street with some colleagues when he spotted me in the cafe. πŸ™‚ It made my day, and London suddenly felt warmer and friendlier.

What is a place you’ve always dreamed of visiting?