Good morning, luvs. It’s been a long and difficult week and I’m glad to see the last of it. I want to slip away to a gloriously restful spot like this one in Xcaret, Mexico, slump down into a chair and not budge until all the cares and stresses of the week have slipped away.
On days like this it does me much good to take a deep breath or two and focus on a few good things in my life.
- This weekend I get to see two brothers, a sis-in-law, my parents and grandies for an early Danish Christmas. I’m so excited to see them all, hug them tight, and spend a beautiful weekend playing Settlers of Catan, watching movies, going for long walks, and visiting for hours.
- Birthday roses to remind me I am loved.
- New books from the library set in Old Vienna and 1940’s Paris.
- Royal blue tights that make me grin.
- Skype that lets me see beloved faces on the other side of the world.
- Free Old Time Radio shows from iTunes.
- Enough money to cover all my bills this month.
- Really lovely people to work with.
- One last tea bag of Apple Cinnamon tea.
- Ginger Spice cookies that make my house smell so good.
I love this poem my friend Corrie sent me this week, and thought it might cheer your heart too:
Refuse to fall down
If you cannot refuse to fall down,
refuse to stay down.
If you cannot refuse to stay down,
lift your heart toward heaven,
and like a hungry beggar,
ask that it be filled.
You may be pushed down.
You may be kept from rising.
But no one can keep you from lifting your heart
toward heaven
only you.
It is in the middle of misery
that so much becomes clear.
The one who says nothing good
came of this,
is not yet listening.
(By Clarissa Pinkola Estés)
How was your week? Are you doing OK today? What are three good things in your life?
Sending you a big hug and hopes for a beautiful weekend. 🙂
Three good things in my daughter with whom I will be spending Christmas in a small town north of here, my future SIL family who invited me for Christmas in this small town north of here so I wouldn’t be alone, my friends who would never let me be alone anyway:D
My family, good health, and an endless world of opportunity. But still, can I escape to that spot in the photo with you, Krista? Just for an hour, say? Hope you have a better week next week and enjoy your weekend! Sounds lovely! 🙂
I love the poem! The picture is gorgeous. What a perfect spot to rest and be refreshed! At this moment I am thankful for a fire in the fireplace, a warm cup of coffee and a relatively quiet house. (only one child home these days, and she’s busy putting on her make-up! ha!) I do hope this weekend is a great one. I know how much you love your family and what a huge blessing they are to you. Love you!
Oh sweetie, i’m so sorry to hear you had a rough week but I’m glad that you know how loved and adored you are and that there are good things in the future even though today is hard!
Three good things in my life are that I have people who love me and who I love, that I have a warm pot of cinammon tea brewing at the moment, and that I am going to do tons of holiday baking this weekend!
Mexico is already on my to visit wishlist, but after your last post even more so. It is great the you managed to list ten good things, what great things to, here after a bad week, staying positive is half the battle.
Hooray for the weekend! I’m sure all the good company will erase the wear and cares of the week. I’m loving the idea of the blue tights and the new books from the library.
cheers and hugs!
I would be in a peacful place too if I were sitting there!
I can’t imagine a more peaceful spot! Can I join you there??? I hope your weekend brings you tranquility. 🙂
I think it’s so great when you’re stressed to remember all of the positive things in your life!!!
What a beautiful spot to relax and just take in the calming view. Enjoy your weekend–an early Danish Christmas sounds amazing! I bet the food will be spectacular.
My kids, health and living in peace; those are the main things; love your photo and your little poem to your friend. How sweet and thoughtful!
My week was short. I met a friend, went to buy food in neighboring France and enjoyed the snow storm.
Thank you again for your uplifting picture and words. I hope your weekend is one of the best you have had in a long time.
I am thankful our heavenly father leads us beside still waters and restores our soul, thankful that my very hurting husband is almost a kid again because of a brand new hip and I’m thankful for people who love me and whom I can love also. There is so much more – one being the beauty of Christmas lights (almost my favorite part of Christmas! 🙂
Nice peaceful pic Krista. 3 good things in my life….., an awesome job, a fabulous fella & the best Mom in the world. Got it all sew’n up I have 🙂
It sounds like you’ve had a great week and have much to be thankful for. My three would be health, family and friends. Have a great day. Blessings…Mary
This spot looks amazing! I wish I was there right now!!!!
Skype is the most wonderful way to talk to family! My daughter and I use it every day!
I’m decorating the house this weekend and having such fun! Much more fun than taking it down!
What tranquil surroundings. I’m glad that we ave memories to bring comfort and respite. Have a blessed week ahead. Are you still headed this way? We have to meet up!!!!!!!LOL
A secluded spot yet just a few footsteps and one can be immersed with nature. Sending good thoughts 🙂
have you read Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts… your list reminds me of hers <3 blessings dear one
Our week is sunny and rainy … but not snowy! I give thanks!