Going Home to Autumn in Australia

Going Home to Autumn in Australia

Oh it is SO good to be home!!

After my mad dash to the States for visa and residency requirements, I cannot tell you how happy I am to be back on my beloved farm, hugging my dear ones tightly and basking in days that feel like the Indian Summers of my childhood in Canada.

This morning I had to go outside for a wander with our dog Fletcher, soaking up glorious sunshine and taking pictures of beauties such as this tree covered in papery pods. Any Aussies out there know what sort of tree this is?

fuschia pod tree

Wildflowers are blooming again around my favorite fallen log and I want to sit there for a long time, eyes closed, face lifted to the sun.

wildflowers by fallen log

The pure white Muscovy ducks are molting and the grass is covered with feathers and fluff. I think it’s the closest thing to snow I’ll see for a while.

white feather

My favorite part of this Autumn on the farm are my new baby goats born just a few days before I got back. They are twin girls named Flopsy (because she kept flopping on her bottom) and Lindt (because she’s the color of chocolate). They are wickedly cute and I love leaning on the fence at sunset watching them leap and gallop on their tiny spindly legs.

kalahari baby goats

What season is it where you live? What is delighting you most about this time of year?