I am bundled in numerous layers and parked right in front of the heater on this blustery Autumn day. For the first time I believe my Aussie friends who’ve been promising me for months that it really does get cold in Australia.

I love it.

It is so nice to plan steaming stews and hearty meat pies and actually be cold enough to want to eat them.

This weekend I got to go to my very favorite French bakeryChouquette in New Farm – and get my two favorite pastries: Pain au Chocolat and Croissants des Amandes. Oh my. They were heavenly with cups of milky Italian espresso on a shivery morning.

French pastries on a plate

Saturday morning I accompanied my dear friend Ann (from thisANNthat) to Brisbane where I got to do a photo shoot of her cheese demonstration. We had such a fun time and I got to taste test her delicious creations: mozzarella, labna, yoghurt, quark, and cottage cheese. I was so inspired that I immediately began writing a list of the things I need to start making my own cheese.

Saturday afternoon we got to visit with my dear friends Barbara (from Winos and Foodies) and Bryan for a gorgeous lunch overlooking the Brisbane River. It was so good to see them. 🙂

Sunday morning we woke to find three new baby goats!! They are so cute and, even better, strong and healthy. Three little boys who are already toddling about on wobbly legs. (Click here to see more pictures)

goats and cheese

Sunday afternoon our Black Wolf medieval friends came over and, in spite of outrageously wild winds, managed to put up the incredible Bedouin tent they made themselves. Isn’t it beautiful! I love the striped fabric and gorgeous tapestry for the doorway, not to mention the golden ropes and multi-colored floor mats. I am staggered by the amount of work they put into this and I can’t wait to sleep in here at our next medieval shindig. 🙂

medieval Bedouin tent

Now, dear ones, I must go make a pot of stew then feed my goats.  In a little while Bear and I are off for a drive on this wondrously beautiful day and I’m really looking forward to it.

How was your weekend?