A dear friend of mine regularly shares soul-strengthening mantras with me. I especially love the one she shared with me last week.
Be Kind.
Be Brave.
Be Well.
I’ve thought of it often the last few days, observing how nearly every situation I face can be bettered by focusing on one or all of those things. It was the impetus for taking some much-needed quiet time to read, rest, write, process, think, face, let go, embrace.
This time of renewal took place as storm clouds rolled in and poured down luscious rain. After months of withering, parching dryness, it was glorious to see the skies darken and hear thunder booming in the distance as the storm drew closer. It was night as I stood out in the tempest, barefoot in the dirt, head tilted back to feel the winds whipping through the yard and watch the massive clouds scudding across the glowing face of the moon. It was fierce and wild and I felt my whole being open up to it, swaying with the wind, letting the cold and wet wash away the thirst and dust and sense of withering that had taken hold of the the countryside. I stayed out there for ages, speaking aloud the truths my soul needed to hear and believe, no one but the wind and trees to hear me.
It’s amazing to me how easy it is to forget the things that help us thrive and heal. They’re so easily overshadowed by expectations and demands and too many responsibilities. After being sick for so long, I’d let my life fill up to bursting with good things that were too, too much. I had no time left for soul work and that is never a good thing.
So over the last week I’ve been making good changes, letting go of demands on myself and my time and focusing on the things that are really, truly vital: Exercising every day, reading good things, writing out my thoughts and feelings so they don’t get stuffed down and left to fester, making healthy food taste scrumptious and nourishing, sitting or walking outside where I can touch and feel the nature around me, spending time with dear friends either through face to face interaction or over the phone, email, Skype, or texting, having fun with Bear by going out for coffee and exploring our favorite second hand shops for treasures.
It’s only been a week but I feel so much better, so much more peaceful and centered and good. A frazzled state is dreadful. 🙂
One of my favorite healthy recipes this week is raw gazpacho. I love this chilled vegetable soup bursting with flavor from garlic and fresh dill, but I don’t have the time or desire to roast and peel tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers. Thankfully you don’t have to. Just throw everything in the blender and puree until smooth then chill until you’re ready to eat it. It’s a delicious and easy way to feed your body good things.
Do you have a favorite mantra that keeps you grounded? I’d love to hear it. 🙂 xo
Raw Gazpacho
Serves 2 (large bowls) or 4 (small bowls)
6 Roma tomatoes, cored and halved
1 red bell pepper, seeded and cored, cut in chunks
1 large Lebanese cucumber, cut in chunks
2 cloves garlic, peeled
2 green onions, trimmed
1 Tbsp organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 Tbsp fresh dill weed
1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- Place all ingredients in blender and blend 1-2 minutes until smooth. Taste for seasoning.
- Chill until ready to serve.
“I’m warm, I’m safe, I’m loved” each and every night before I go to sleep
Oh, that is beautiful, @bc700f7a2dff994b6fd7a151d97f18ce:disqus 🙂 I really love that. 🙂 XO
Krista the first thought that popped into my head was “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” & “All I’m saying is, kindness don’t have no boundaries.”they are quotes from the movie “The Help”. So glad you are feeling liberated, nothing like a good storm to energise the soul. Love your post we all need these reminders :-). xo
Those are such good words, dear @lindytaylor:disqus 🙂 I really loved “The Help” and was so inspired by it. 🙂 Did you get rain again today? I got drenched while out feeding the animals! 🙂
“The Help” is a great movie Krista, good thing we have advanced as a kinder human race. I got absolutely drenched at the clothes line, but there is only 1mm in the gauge :-(. Fingers crossed more to come. 🙂 I would just love to not walk on crunchy grass!
Me too!!! I hear the rumbling of thunder again so I’m hope, hope, hoping it pours again. All night would be brilliant! 🙂
“Be kind. Be brave. Be well.” That is JUST the mantra I need right now! 🙂
I’m so glad it hit the spot, dear @adrianaclassicalquest:disqus xo
What a lovely mantra, love the way you have embraced it Krista.
It has been so good for me, @LindyLouMac:disqus 🙂 xo
I wish I had some wise words of wisdom Krista. I iike all of the suggestion below as well as the original. If we all remembered to take even a moment to breathe in deeply and let relaxation wash over us the world would be a better place.
You are absolutely right, @disqus_2LQ5qLN5aY:disqus It’s amazing how healing and calming a deep breath is. XO
Lovely post!
I catch my husband telling my girls when they leave the house “be good, be good for something”
That makes me laugh, @disqus_v6ZKeQp1Nx:disqus 🙂 Such good words. 🙂
A lovely reminder, krista! Thank you!!
I’m so glad you liked it, @disqus_WseMqaTPwi:disqus 🙂
Lovely, spicy and refreshing gazpacho….
Dedy@Dentist Chef
Thank you, @dedyoktavianus:disqus 🙂 It is definitely a favorite around our house. 🙂
Beautiful post Krista. Love the look of your recipe – it is filled with really tasty things 🙂
Thank you, @wanderingsheila:disqus 🙂 I love it so much I’m hoping to make another batch for lunch today. 🙂
There are so many wonderful, timely things about this post that resonate with me! Your mantra, in particular, encapsulates where my focus is right now amidst a number of challenges. It’s beautiful!
When I’m on my way to work in the morning, I find myself repeating different mantras. They vary, depending on circumstances. My monkey mind has been racing lately, swinging from one thought and concern to another. I caught myself worrying this morning about future what-ifs and had to anchor myself with these words: Be Here Now.
On a food note, there was a time when I didn’t enjoy Gazpacho. Generally speaking, I prefer my soups hot. But this past summer (over on yonder continent!) I made ooooooodles of it for the restaurant I worked in, and discovered that in eating it once again, I truly enjoyed it! I do like a bit of a kick to it, using some Chipotle. The hot, tangy, sweet combo is my favourite. I like to blend half of it, leave the remainder in a small dice, then combine the two.
PS That sky is spectacular!
Dearest @Jacqueline_at_Bliss:disqus , I’m so glad this was so timely for you! I love how those lovely moments happen, where a dear friend says just the words we need to hear to keep us going and give us courage. XO I love your idea of adding chipotle to the gazpacho. I haven’t seen it around my part of the world, but I think I know a shop in Brisbane where I can get some. 🙂
“Nothing is as bad as it seems.” xx
So, so good, @disqus_2yjJojmJOE:disqus 🙂 That is very applicable to me too. XO
I have always used the “kind smart and funny” to describe my favorite people but i think it could be equally used here. laughter is the best medicine and a powerful protection, proven over thousands of years! be kind, be smart, and have a good laugh?
That phrase is perfectly applicable, @9d73767d10227efff04c7307e331304c:disqus, and I like it enormously. 🙂
Your writing is so beautiful… you have me standing right there in the storm with you. While I’m not usually a fan of rain, this storm was amazing!! You story is one of balance, one that I struggle with daily as well and one I”m working to come to grips with. Sometimes its easier than others, isn’t it?
And the gazpacho… pretty amazing as well! I’ve not added the cucumber ingredient in the past and I’m intrigued to try!
I’ve been thinking about balance this week again, @kimlivlife:disqus , for life intervened and all my plans went completely topsy-turvy. I’m thinking that perhaps balance is NOT “managing to get everything done” but figuring out how to flex well. 🙂 I really like the cucumber in the gazpacho – it adds a coolness and clarity that softens the intensity of the tomatoes/peppers. 🙂
Balance is a struggle, isn’t it? I never realized how important it is, but without it, well… life is out of balance. My husband struggles with balance constantly. Yes, figuring out how to flex well is key! Here’s wishing you a peaceful AND balanced week next week!! XO
Thank you so much, dear @kimlivlife:disqus xo Yes, it is a great struggle, but such a worthy thing to struggle for. 🙂
I need to repeat that to myself every time something doesn’t go as planned at work! And obviously I need to slurp up a bowl of this soup.
It’s been on repeat in my head for a couple weeks now, @joanneeatswellwithothers:disqus 🙂 I seem to always need to hear it. 🙂
Gazpacho is one of hubby’s favourite dishes and you are right – you just feel healthier with every mouthful that you eat! It’s a wonderful dish. I don’t have a mantra as such, but I do often repeat the words “everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”, just to remind me not to get irritated with people. You never know what they are going through.