“The richness of the rain made me feel safe and protected;
I have always considered the rain to be healing
—a blanket—
the comfort of a friend.”
Douglas Coupland

We’re in the midst of a scorching heatwave and a drought. Land that is usually lush and green this time of year is parched, withered and brown, the grass crackling underfoot.

But yesterday clouds rolled in. Massive dark clouds that looked like maybe, just maybe, they were not teasing clouds but real rain clouds that were going to pour water down upon us.

I didn’t get my hopes up though. Not until a gale blew through and the trees bent from rain-scented wind and leaves pelted the tin roof. Then I scurried to the back veranda with my bowl of blueberries, and sat down to watch the show.

blueberries in a bowlFirst came crashing claps of thunder that shook the ground.

Then slashes of lightning that split the sky.

Then, at last, glorious rain.

flip flops in the rainAnd not measly raindrops either, gloriously fat ones that splatted into the dry earth and turned it into rich loam dotted with puddles.

The gum tree trunks turned from pale beige to marvelous streaks of color: russet, burgundy, dark green.

rain puddleWhen the downpour eased up a bit, out I went, letting the misty raindrops film my hair and eyelashes, cooling skin that has been hot for weeks.

gum tree barkI love how the ground transforms after rain here. Normally everything is a haze of bleached wood, burnt grass, and dried out leaves, but with the water the grass looks green again and the fallen curls of gum bark become vivid reds and oranges.

leaves in the rainEven the lichen transforms from silvery seafoam to bright jade.

tree bark in the rainIt feels like my little world has come back to life again and I love it.

red bark on rocksEmerging from the trees I strolled through my gardens, marveling at how happy everything looks. Gone were the down turned leaves, hiding themselves from the fierce heat. Instead blossoms, branches, and leaves reached out and up, soaking in every bit of moisture.

pears in the rainWhat sort of turn in the weather cheers your heart? xo