I fell asleep to the sound of rain on the roof, and woke to the same glorious sound. Tropical cyclones are wreaking havoc not far from us, but on our farm it’s just good, steady, soak-deep-into-the-ground rain, and we are thrilled. Our water tanks are filling, our pastures, gardens, and orchards are getting a good drenching, and the air is so fresh and clean with all the dust and smoke washed away.
On such a morning I couldn’t stay in the house. I had to be part of this wondrous weather. So I layered on flannels, pulled on my new purple Ugg boot slippers, and went out to the veranda. My chair is just out of reach of the rain, close enough to feel the occasional spray on my face, but far enough away to keep me warm and dry.
I love it out there, no computers or television or telephone, just me in a comfy chair, wind blowing, rain falling, blissful quiet and time to rest and be.
Bear made me a cuppa, strong Earl Grey tea with milk and real maple syrup, and shook his head in amusement at my Canadian love of wild weather and fresh air, happily returning to the warmth of the house.
It’s definitely a hot bowl of chili sort of day. I’m making a white bean chicken chili, studded with the very last of the mild green chilies a dear friend sent me from America. I’m going to savor every last morsel. 🙂
Now it’s time to get back to work. There are articles to write and spoons to wood-burn with breaks for “Poirot” and more cups of tea.
What is your favorite way to spend a rainy day? xo
Oh Krista, this is so wonderful – I’m ashamed to say it rained here all day today and I complained about it! We’ve had such a beautiful winter, with crisp, sunny days, snow, and now rain. But as I sploshed and shivered down to uni this morning, I was quite grumpy about it! If it rains again tomorrow I’ll be much nicer about it, thanks to this gorgeous post! Your ducklings must be in seventh heaven!
The ducklings are LOVING it, @katyabroad:disqus! 🙂 And don’t you worry about fussing over the rain. Winter rain is a totally different animal, chilling to the very bones. Shiver. 🙂
We didn’t get a drop of rain from that cyclone. The northern side doesn’t get the rain. 🙁 I would be out on the verandah with you Krista. I can’t believe your wearing longs and ugg boots. It is 36 degrees here today and all of our fans are cranked up.
I’m glad you are safe, @budgetjan:disqus, but sorry you didn’t get any rain. It’s STILL cool here today and I have my flannel shirt on again. So strange after the piping hot weather we’ve had, eh? 🙂
I am glad you are getting some rain. We needed it yesterday when our mountain caught fire. My best place to be in the rain is at home, reading 🙂
Oh my, @tandysinclair:disqus! Were they able to put the fire out?
i’m guessing it was a very productive day! i’ve learned from my english in-laws that such days are very good for “blowing the cobwebs out”. hope it worked for you.
Blowing the cobwebs out is such a lovely way to put it, Paradis. 🙂
So glad to see this post from you Krista as I had just read the headline news in Hawaii about the cyclones hitting in Queensland. Good to know you are safe!!
Thank you, @disqus_WseMqaTPwi:disqus Everyone was worried all week, but we are just fine. XO
I love your rainy day post Krista. I can just imagine you on your farm soaking it all up. I love to stay inside and get into a good book on a rainy day. Sunday may prove to be such a day 🙂
A good book is calling my name too, @wanderingsheila:disqus 🙂 It’s been too long since I’ve hunkered in for a read. 🙂
Nothing nicer than falling asleep to the sound of rain… do stay safe lovely one.
Thank you, dear @liz_posmyk:disqus. XO We are OK, as are our friends who were closer to the storm. So glad. XO
Rainy days can be lazy days 🙂 Torn between snuggling in bed and dozing off or doing GG stuff 🙂
Julie & Alesah
Gourmet Getaways xx
Lazy days sound absolutely blissful, @GourmetGetaway:disqus 🙂
Krista, “You cannot be serious!” as John McEnroe would say. “…. flannels, … purple Ugg boots …”. You are in Queensland, my dear, not Saint Petersburg or Northern Minnesota! It is summer in Queensland. Thongs, shorts and tee shirts, even when it is chucking it down (400 mm in an hour or whatever). And then chili chicken? I just cannot believe it 🙂
I am deadly serious, @Kayrpea61:disqus 🙂 Honestly, it was downright cold here for two whole days. Now we’re back to thongs and sundresses, but I had my briefly marvelous cold weather. 🙂
Stay warm and dry love!!
We drove to Sydney and back during the cyclone. We missed the whole thing. A few branches down and the river is chocolate brown instead of blue but all is well over here.
I’m so glad the rain wasn’t only on the coast. Great that the farmers have had some benefit xx
Oh yes, what a magical feeling that is. I adore rainy days very much, especially when I am snuggled up on the couch watching movies with a special someone. Love you tea cup, its cooooooool! 🙂