Bear and I have been running around a lot the past few days, hauling feed, finding materials for various farm projects, and collecting bottles, demijohns, and yeasts to make our own beer, wine, and ciders. By the time Wednesday afternoon rolled around, I was exhausted and in need of some down time.
On one of our jaunts to the country to pick up feed, we passed a nursery I’d never seen before, Baringa Nursery. Wandering through someone else’s gardens sounded like a marvelous way to relax and maybe even get inspired, so when we had a few minutes to spare between appointments, in we drove. While Bear snoozed and read under a shade tree, I strolled leisurely through the gardens.
Situated in the country, the Baringa Nursery gardens are exquisitely quiet and peaceful. Surrounded by bush and set back from the road, the only sounds are wind in the gum trees and birds twittering overhead. As I crunched along the gravel pathways I could feel my muscles relax and my mind clear.
The gardens are tidily set out, yet have a delightful rambling nature with unexpected vignettes to be found amongst the greenery. Autumn may only be days away, but the only signs of it were scarves on these little chaps.
I learned that the nursery specializes in plants native to Queensland and Australia, featuring flowers, bushes, and vines that thrive in the often extreme weather here. It was really exciting to me to realize that even in drought I could have a garden full of color and fragrance and lush greens.
I was also inspired by the quirky touches found about the place. Like this stained glass window set into a rock wall and surrounded by leafy tendrils. Somehow it belonged.
I’m really looking forward to finding out what these spidery beauties are. I’d love to plant them in my Secret Garden when Bear and I get it fenced in.
I’ve been collecting rocks from around our farm so I can build a rock wall one day. Isn’t this one lovely with the vines clambering over it?
The stained glass windows set in the rock walls truly delight me. They must be especially stunning in early morning or late afternoon with the sun setting them aglow.
I think my favorite part is this gorgeous wooden door with that wonderful wrought iron work. I’ve been pondering ideas for an entrance to my Secret Garden, and as soon as I saw this my heart gave a lurch and I knew I’d found it. I’ll be scouring second hand shops for lovely bits of weathered wood to make my very own garden door.
I’m so glad I found this beautiful spot and took the time to investigate. After lingering among the flower beds and walled enclosures I was rejuvenated and ready to get back to work.
Do you have a place you like to go to restore your spirits? xo
Baringa Nursery
674 Killarney Rd.
Warwick, QLD 4370
(07) 4667 1700
That door is georgeous and I am in love with the stained glass windows – obviously an artist in residence. What a find!
Aren’t they wonderful, @budgetjan:disqus 🙂 I was doing lots of happy sighing as I rounded each corner in this garden. 🙂
Oh you’ve just provided me several ideas for my Greek ‘Secret Garden’ – thank you so much!!
You are so very welcome, @disqus_WseMqaTPwi:disqus 🙂 I can’t wait to see what you create. 🙂
lovely post. nothing lovelier than a colorful garden/garden center. (that doesn’t take itself too seriously.) i’m jealous of your rocks. i have rocky soil but it’s mostly shards and chips. i would love some big round rocks! happy garden planning!
I like my rocks too, paradis, ONCE they’re out of the ground. They’re a pain in the neck to get out. 🙂
The stained glass is gorgeous, you just dont see it very often tho. Beautiful post Krista, wish I had me a little place like this to escape too.
But when I need some me time, I will take a walk by the lake or sit in my backyard and take in beautiful mountain views.
Lake…mountains…what beautiful places you have to relax in, @disqus_o9c9vkchcC:disqus 🙂
what an amazing nursery. We call the plants fynbos which means fine bush. I have them in my pavement garden as they need very little attention.
“fynbos” – I like that name, @tandysinclair:disqus 🙂 And I’m so glad they’re so easy to grow. I’ll definitely be getting some. 🙂
Enchanting photos
Thank you, Tracy. 🙂
That door is SO you!!
It sure is, @OrgasmicChef:disqus. 🙂 I’m thoroughly smitten. 🙂
What a wonderful place! I am lusting after that door too – and your photos make it all look so beautiful!
Thank you, @katyabroad:disqus 🙂 I love finding places like this. 🙂
I love wandering around beautiful places, like this one! Thanks for sharing!
I do too, @lizposmyk:disqus 🙂 I’m so excited to have a spot like this close by. 🙂
Love the door! And the stained glass in the rock wall too – what a lovely find for you.
Me too, @disqus_xRgkTDNCQJ:disqus 🙂 I love creative things like that. 🙂
My sort of nursery, love the stained glass windows.
What a whimsical garden! I can’t decide which of your photos I like best – though I’m leaning towards that old door and the stain-glass birds this morning. I don’t have a specific place to go rejuvenate, but I try to keep my eyes peeled for little bits of delight to lift the spirits.
The rock wall is an amazing idea.
To be honest, I haven’t found a place to ‘wind down’ in Lagos. I need to search.