TBU’11 and Breakfast in Cancun

TBU’11 and Breakfast in Cancun

It’s feeling particularly Fall-ish this evening with brooding skies and dried leaves skittering across the pavement. It’s the sort of night that makes me long to bundle up in sweater, scarf and sassy boots and visit England. That’s just what I plan to do March 26-27, 2011 during the Travel Bloggers Unite (TBU’11) conference in Manchester.

It’s been a lifelong dream of mine to visit England, and I’m so excited that my first trip there will be with a whole slew of fabulous writers, photographers, and travelers gathered to learn from stellar experts in areas such as podcasting, creating videos, and becoming savvy in business and public relations.

Early this year I started reading the Simply Zesty blog and have learned so much from their posts and delightfully informative videos. I’m so thrilled that Niall and Lauren will be coming in from Ireland to speak.

I’m also really looking forward to learning about podcasting from Kelvin Newman and affiliate marketing from Kevin Brown.

TBU’11 is the brainchild of my friend and travel expert Oliver Gradwell. A very funny guy and super hard worker, Oliver has done a fabulous job organizing a first class event that is not only going to be great fun, but highly informative and beneficial to both beginner and experienced bloggers.

For more information visit the TBU’11 website, follow them on Twitter @tbloggersunite using hashtag #TBU11, or visit them on Facebook. I’d love to see you there! 🙂

As our beautiful Indian Summer is replaced by crisp Autumn mornings, rainy afternoons and blustery nights, my imagination turns once again to hot, sunny mornings in Cancun, Mexico. While I loved nearly all the food on this trip, one of my favorite things was breakfast. Every morning we were treated to a dizzying selection of freshly baked breads and pastries, ripe fruits, beautiful vegetables and cold cuts, and an array of hot dishes, from ratatouille and Mexican-style chard to build-your-own omelets and crispy fried potatoes.

I’m afraid I stuffed myself rather happily during my 4-day stay, and loved every moment of it. 🙂

What is your favorite breakfast while on vacation?

(If you’d like to know more about this resort in Cancun, it is the Cancun Caribe Park Royal Grand. I spent four days there last month courtesy of Royal Holiday.)

Cancun: A Flowering Paradise

Cancun: A Flowering Paradise

Last week I was delighted beyond measure to be invited on a 4-day trip to Cancun with four other bloggers courtesy of Royal Holiday. They were truly lovely people, bending over backwards to make sure we were safe and happy during our stay at their beautiful Cancun Caribe Park Royal Grand all-inclusive resort.

It was my first trip to Cancun and I loved it. The weather was hot and mostly sunny with a few tropical rain showers to keep things interesting. I can’t wait to tell you about the delicious food, Mayan ruins, and the underground river I swam, but they will have to wait for another day.

Today I have two things to tell you about. Here on my blog I’m sharing a few photos of the exquisite flowers I saw on my journey, and if you click here, you can see my article on The Travel Belles where you’ll find pictures of the exquisite beaches and gorgeous turquoise ocean. I hope you enjoy them! 🙂

What is your favorite flower?

Bon Voyage!

Bon Voyage!

Good morning, dear ones! 🙂 How was your weekend? What lovely things did you discover or create?

I had a great weekend, but a chock-full, crazy-busy, now-I’m-so-tired-I-can’t-think-but-it-was-worth-it one. 🙂

I was able to go hiking with my friend Stacey, stay up much too late talking up a storm with her and our pal Trish, grill fresh salmon and all sorts of veggies with my bro and sis-in-law and a whole slew of dear friends, cheer on my sibs and friends in a marathon they ran today, and meet up with more family and friends for ice cream at Mallard, a splendid ice cream parlor in Bellingham.

Now I’m cozy in my armchair, sipping tea and luxuriating in the stillness and quiet, smiling at lovely memories and planning a new week.

This week is an exciting one for me because I’m heading to Cancun, Mexico for a writing assignment!! I still can’t quite believe it. 🙂 I’ve never been to this part of Mexico before, and cannot wait to explore, meet interesting people, and park myself on the beach for a few hours and do absolutely nothing but soak up sunshine, read a good novel, and rest, rest, rest. This will be my first vacation this year and although it’s a working one and only for a few days, I’m absolutely thrilled to pieces. I promise to take all sorts of pictures and share my adventures with you. 🙂

What is your favorite sort of a vacation? Are you a “happy to turn off the phone and stay home” sort of person, or do you like to head out to new places?

I wish you all a beautiful week!