Looking Up and a Bit of Cracker Salad

Looking Up and a Bit of Cracker Salad

Sometimes when I’m walking in the woods I forget to look up. I get distracted by a gurgling stream or finding treasures on the forest floor. But when I do remember and turn my gaze up to sky and branches, I inevitably smile.

I did it recently, just as the sun was slipping behind the trees and I loved how the branches were etched against the sky, looking almost like pieces of lace.


How was your weekend? Mine was painful physically but so lovely in all other ways. I have much to be grateful for.

  • a bright and shiny turquoise balloon swaying in the blast of my heater
  • good talks and scrumptious food with kindred spirits
  • a gorgeous bouquet of roses on my counter
  • a drive in the sunshine
  • Old Time Radio mysteries to entertain me when I rest

I’m also grateful for comfort food like Cracker Salad. It’s a family favorite and one I tend to forget about until a sudden craving hits. Such a thing happened this weekend and I hustled to the grocery store to get the fixings. It’s simple as can be, so easy you hardly need measurements.

Break up a sleeve of saltine crackers (I use whole-grain to assuage my conscience) into a bowl, add sliced green onion, two diced tomatoes, fresh ground pepper, and a big spoonful of mayonnaise, mix it all together and eat immediately.

What is your favorite memory from this weekend?

Cracker Salad


1 sleeve whole grain saltine crackers
2 green onions, sliced
2-3 roma tomatoes, diced
1/4-1/3 cup mayonnaise
Freshly ground pepper to taste


  • Break up crackers into medium bowl.
  • Add remaining ingredients and stir until well-mixed.
  • Serve immediately.
Rainy Days and Time to Start Packing

Rainy Days and Time to Start Packing

Hello, luvs! A storm is raging outside, lulling me to sleep as I fight to stay awake. It is almost midnight – my usual and most unfortunate bedtime this week – and I can’t wait to hunker down under a cozy quilt and sleep, sleep, sleep.

It’s been raining something fierce all week, shutting down power and phone lines, thoroughly drenching everything in sight. I may be hankering for some sunshine, but the moss and ferns are flourishing!

What are you up to this weekend? I’m sticking close to home, bustling about doing laundry, finishing up writing assignments, wrapping Christmas pressies, and packing to leave for Europe next Friday. Two of my brothers live there – one in Germany, the other in Amsterdam – and they sent my parents and I plane tickets to spend Christmas and New Year’s Eve with them!! We couldn’t believe it. Those crazy, lovely fellows.  I can’t wait to see them! So I’m looking forward to my last weekend at home, spending it in my new striped pajamas, playing music as I clean, tidy and plan.

I’ve been eating super healthy lately and am hankering for something good yet decadent for breakfast tomorrow morning. What is your favorite breakfast to spoil yourself with?

Happy weekending!

Hiking, Getting Older, and A Whole Lotta Snow

Hiking, Getting Older, and A Whole Lotta Snow

Good morning, dear ones! I’m basking in the glow of a beautiful Thanksgiving with my folks and the few brave friends who managed to make it to their house through the snow storm. We had a wonderful day as the snow continued to fall, blanketing everything in sight. Delicious food, good wine, and the antics of a very active three-year old to entertain us made it perfect.

After our lavish dining, we donned coats and hats and headed out into the snow to introduce my friend’s daughter Allison to the wonder of cows in the barn. They were thrilled to have company, jostling for position near the gate to peer at us and lick anything they could reach. They’re lovely things and Allison was delighted. Our trek left us with soaked pant legs and rosy cheeks and we were happy to get back inside sipping hot cups of tea by the Christmas tree, nibbling on butter tarts and Nanaimo bars.

Tomorrow morning I’ll be on the road to Seattle, ready to hug my brother so tight when he gets off the plane from Amsterdam. Then we’ll head to Port Orchard for even more hugs from siblings and cousins. I’m so excited to see those dear folks, to laugh myself to tears, eat great food, and play rousing games of Poleconomy – which is a cousin-ly tradition. 🙂

Tomorrow is also my birthday. I’ll be a whopping 36 years old and that makes me smile. I wouldn’t trade places with my younger self for anything. 🙂 I know you’re not supposed to like getting older, but I like it very much. Age and time are such lovely things for smoothing rough edges, dulling past pains, and strengthening the good things in our hearts. Here are a few things I’m grateful for as I turn 36:

  • I am loved. Truly loved. No more abuse or neglect, just love from dear, amazing people who make me glad to be alive every day.
  • I am free. I am no longer in bondage to abusive people or false teachers or those who would seek to crush me. I. Am. Free. 🙂
  • I am stronger. I can now spot bad people a mile away and know how to protect myself.
  • I am wiser. I’ve learned to think for myself, to question, examine, test and hold fast only to those things I know to be good and kind.
  • I am braver. Things and people that used to terrify me have shrunk down to manageable size. I now know they have no power over me unless I give it to them.
  • I love myself more. Some rather dreadful people in my youth taught me that everyone was more important than me, I was only worth of hell and damnation, that there was nothing good in me. What a lot of hogwash! Now I know that I matter, I am worthy, and there is much good in me.  The best part is that as I accept, forgive, and love myself, I find my heart simply bursting to extend that same acceptance, forgiveness and love to others. That is the best feeling in the world.

Getting older isn’t so bad after all.

I’m also thankful for snow for my birthday!

What are some things you’ve learned as you’ve gotten older?

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

Happiest of Thanksgivings to my Yankee friends! 🙂

I was so excited to waken to this gorgeous winter wonderland!!! I scrambled out of bed, donned hat, scarf, gloves, jeans, two jackets, wool socks and boots, and off I went to explore this beautimous morning.

I trudged happily through the fluffy drifts and was soon coated in a thin layer of snow. I gaped at snow-covered trees, delighted in orange berries with their snow caps, and sighed in rapture at a stream smooth like black glass, bordered with lacy white branches.

It was wonderful!!! Now I’m back home, sipping coffee, eating crisp maple bacon and boiled eggs dusted with salt and black pepper, trying to warm up my numb backside.

I’m so glad today is Thanksgiving because I’m fairly bursting with gratitude. Not because things are perfect or easy – mercy me, they certainly aren’t – but because there is goodness in the midst of all the crummy stuff.

The last few weeks have been very rough.  I’m in constant pain these days, but I discovered that a glass of wine or a shot of Bailey’s does wonders for relaxing the achy bits and giving me some reprieve. So thank you wine makers and Bailey’s brewers of the world!

I’ve been missing my siblings and extended family so much, but I’m turning 36 this weekend and am SO happy that I get to spend it with two of my three brothers, my sis-in-law and a houseful of beloved cousins. I can’t stop smiling. 🙂

I’m thankful for other things too:

  • a heater, a heating pad, and a fireplace that makes me feel warmer even if it just has candles in it.
  • windows that look out onto woods so I can see this winter fairyland from any room in my house.
  • a library that lets me get fabulous movies, books, audio books and music for FREE. How amazing is that?
  • my parents for letting people they don’t even know come over for Thanksgiving, just because they’re my friends.
  • wool socks that look like they were knitted by cute Scandinavian grandmothers.
  • red candles that drip and make me feel like I live in an Italian restaurant.
  • the best friends and family a girl could ever hope for.
  • old family recipes that taste the same every year and carry the most treasured memories.

And I’m grateful for you. X Thank you for loving and supporting me through this first year of my little blog. You brighten my life every day.

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I’d love to hear what you’re thankful for today. 🙂

Ryan’s Herbed Frittata

Ryan’s Herbed Frittata

My younger brother Ryan is one of the best cooks I know. For years he has delighted us with such dishes as roasted rack of lamb with caramelized walnuts, chicken curry with lime and cilantro or dark chocolate filled croissants.

These days Ryan divides his time between Paris and Amsterdam, but this week we get him all to ourselves for days on end of old movies, games and LOTS of happy eating.

As much as we love his razzle-dazzle, knock-your-socks-off food, sometimes it’s the simple ones that are truly comforting.

Frittata and Coffee

My brother Ryan making breakfast for the family

Saturday morning he gathered all manner of lovely bits together for a fabulous frittata. He finely chopped onion, peppers and bacon, frying them up into caramelized goodness. Then added heavy cream, eggs and chopped fresh herbs.

He stirred and simmered the lot for a minute or two, then let it sit a bit until almost firm. Finally he topped the egg mixture with chopped cherry tomatoes and herbed feta cheese and slid the pan into the oven to finish cooking and brown the top.


Sweet tomatoes, fresh herbs and sharp cheese

Finally it was done, browned and beautiful, perfect with a slice of hot buttered raisin toast.

Pan-baked Frittata

Raisin Toast

Ryan’s Herbed Frittata


1/2 onion diced fine
1/2 red bell pepper diced fine
1/4 cup crumbled bacon bits
1/4 cup cream
8 large eggs
2 Tbsp chopped fresh herbs such as rosemary and parsley
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
4 ounces herbed feta cheese


  1. Saute onion, bell pepper and bacon until vegetables are soft.
  2. Beat eggs, herbs and cream together and add to pan, stirring gently to heat through. Let sit in pan over low-medium heat until mostly solid.
  3. Top with cherry tomatoes and feta cheese and place under broiler for 3-5 minutes until golden brown and eggs are set.
  4. Serve hot with toast.